WorkDay Control for Jira (english version)


The plugin appears only to people who are within the group of users configured from the plugin administration panel

WorkDay Control for Atlassian Jira

This component allows Jira users to record the time of entry and exit of the office.  Also, summarize total hours worked in a day.

Access to the main page its available on top bar:


  • Once clicked, you access a page with information on Royal Decree-Law 8/2019.

  • Two buttons are available ("Clock-In" and "Clock-Out"). These buttons record the time of entry and exit of the user (without confirmation)

  • Once the entry and exit times are registered, the last records are listed, as a log.

  • In case of forgetfulness, an incident must be reported (via application administration)

Application administration

It is accessed through the Jira administration menu → Manage apps → WorDay Control Config

It has the following features:

  • Create incident: in case of forgetfulness by a user, an administrator can add an entry / exit record of an employee.

  • User groups can record: select the group of users who have the possibility of registering

  • Global record list: Shows a totalized record with the following information:

    • Employee

    • Check-in and check-out time (marked in red if caused by an incident)

    • Total hours

    • Browser information (web client)