

In order to configure your SonarQube servers you must be a Confluence administrator. 

You can setup your integration in SonarQube Connector settings:

There are three options to setup in each SonarQube server:

  • SonarQube Server Name: this is the name to identify your SonarQube server. This name will be displayed when using the macros.

  • SonarQube Server URL: this is your SonarQube instance server base URL, by default it will be http://localhost:9000 (the default SonarQube server installation)

  • Token: this field is optional. If your SonarQube instance is not public, then you will need to setup this field with the security token from a SonarQube user.

  • The token type must be USER token type. You can find more information about SonarQube tokens here: https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/User+Token

If your SonarQube instance is using HTTPS then you may need to import your SSL certificate into your Confluence installation using keytool or any other similar tools.

Check this documentation if you don't know how to import your certificate into Confluence: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jira/connecting-to-ssl-services-117455.html