

A Jira workflow is a set of statuses and transitions that an issue moves through during its lifecycle and typically represents processes within your organization.

excentia Admin Tools provides an additional set of workflow conditions, validators, and post-functions that let you do much more in your workflows. 

These additional possibilities allow Jira Administrators to customize workflows, not only improving Jira capabilities, but allowing administrators to do more in less time. With literally no coding, a Jira Admin would be able to apply an extra layer of security level or improve permission management within his/her Jira instance.

Next table shows the set of conditions, validators and post-functions that excentia Admin Tools provides. 






User is project lead

Condition to evaluate if current user is project lead

Fields required

Conditon to allow the transition only if the selected field has value

Custom field value

Condition to compare a field value to a given one

JQL condition

Condition that checks if current issue is returned by a JQL





Fields required

It allows admins to configure required fields in a transition

Restrict issue type on creation

Allow users in a group to create determined issue types. The validator checks users groups with the right permissions to create certain issue types. Valid for creation transition!

Comment required

Writing a comment is a requirement to execute a transition in the workflow

System time field

Compares a system time field (Original estimate, Remaining estimate, Time Spent and Time worklogged in the current transition) to a given value.

Custom field value

Compares a field value to a given value. 





Clear fields

Whilst executing a transition you can erase content from a selected field

Change Security Level

Configure the security level of the issue with the security level of the project

Copy transition comment in linked issues

Copy transition comments in the linked issues choosen (This transition should have an assigned screen in order to show comment system field)

Transition linked issues

Automatically transition linked issues with selected issue links.

Send email

Send a personalised email after a transition it's executed. More information on the User Guide

Add comment to linked issues

Choose the issue link(s) and write a comment

Create linked issues

Creates a linked issue copying the fields selected by the user in the selected project.

Assign current user to user picker field

Sets user field value to user who executes the transition

Copy issue field 

Copys one field value into another field in the same issue or in a related one

Edit field value

Updates a field in current issue or in a related one with a given value

  • Note: more functionalities to come in future versions.

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